Peter Drew, Chairman of British Burn Association.
‘The Burns Game is an exciting and innovative way of broadening the knowledge base of anyone working with burn-injured patients. Everyone, from fire service personnel and first-aiders through to specialist hospital staff will find it challenging. The BBA is proud to have helped develop the game and hope players everywhere find it both educational and entertaining.’
The Burns Game
An enjoyable educational board game designed to improve group training in emergency burn care for frontline healthcare professionals. The game helps staff develop their understanding of burn injury first aid, assessment and treatment. The game was developed by Focus Games Ltd in partnership with the British Burn Association and Birmingham City University.
Following a burn injury, patients receive immediate care from various emergency professionals including Fire & Rescue Service, HEMS, Paramedics, Emergency Department clinicians and First-Aiders.
Many of these professionals do not specialise in burn care, making accurate assessment and immediate management difficult. The National Burn Care Review (2001) highlighted the need for formal education and training in burn injury first aid, assessment and treatment.
“major lack of burns teaching in the UK…emergency departments and ambulance stations lack knowledge regarding the emergency management of burn victims.”
The Burns Game delivers this knowledge and helps staff understand how to initially manage burns and improve outcomes for patients.

Board game for face-to-face learning.
Traditional tabletop game for groups working face-to-face. Encourages collaborative team discussions.
Generates fun and enthusiasm with a serious purpose and clear outcomes.

Online for socially distanced learning.
Digital board game replicates the intensity of face-to-face on Zoom, Skype & Teams.
Can be used for remote teaching or socially distanced face-to-face.
Just share your screen with the class, wherever they are.
Professor SLA Jeffery,
Consultant Burns and Plastic Surgeon,
The Birmingham Burns Centre.
“As a Burns and Plastic Surgeon, I am all too familiar with the misery that burn injuries cause families throughout the country every year. Birmingham City University has used its expertise in medical education to develop this game together with the British Burn Association and Focus Games Ltd in order to improve the initial management of burn injury, which can greatly improve the final cosmetic and functional result for the individual patient.' ”
Peter Drew,
Chairman of British Burn Association.
‘The Burns Game is an exciting and innovative way of broadening the knowledge base of anyone working with burn-injured patients. Everyone, from fire service personnel and first-aiders through to specialist hospital staff will find it challenging. The BBA is proud to have helped develop the game and hope players everywhere find it both educational and entertaining.’
What people say

Scars, Burns and Healing Journal: an evaluation of the Burns Game for learning and teaching burn care.
Read ArticleWhat's in the box?
The Burns Game encourages structured discussions between players about how they can improve care for burns patients allowing them reflect on experiences, acquire knowledge and learn from each other.
The game is simple to play and manage. It is a competitive, discussion based game for between 4-12 players and games usually last between 45 and 60 minutes. It doesn’t require a facilitator with expert knowledge of burns management. It can be used for informal workplace learning, or as part of more structured training programmes.
The Burns Game contains question card packs covering 7 key topics:
- Introduction
- First Aid
- Airway & Breathing
- Disability, Fluids & Exposure
- Wound Assessment
- Referral & Transfer
- Specialist Burn Injuries
The game is very flexible: you can choose questions that focus on specific areas of burn care, or play with a wider selection of cards to improve overall understanding. The cards in each category are numbered in the bottom right corner and the complexity of the questions increases with the numbers (this is a rough guide and open to interpretation).
In each category, there are several questions that are also marked with a
star and number. Taken together these cards form a core set of questions that provide a broad overview of burns care. This will help players form a “big picture” of the subject, and cover the key learning points.
Everything you need to run an enjoyable and effective group learning session is in the box.
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Focus Games worked in partnership with the British Burn Association and Birmingham City University to develop The Burns Game. We would like to thank all of those who contributed to the project, in particular:
Kristina Stiles
Network Lead Nurse, London and South East of England
Burn Network.
Steve Jeffery
Consultant Burns and Plastic Surgeon, University Hospitals Birmingham, and Professor of Wound Study, Birmingham City University.
Jane Leaver
Senior Lecturer/Network
Lead Nurse,
City University/Midlands
Burn Operational Delivery Network.
Erika Thorne
Senior Lecturer/Pathway Lead Burn
and Reconstructive Surgery,
School of Health Sciences, University of Brighton.